Lawn Treatment
Lawn Treatments
Lawn fertilization and treatments are a key part of ensuring a healthy and sustainable turf. Our lawn fertilization services are tailored to your lawn’s needs and adjusted for the difficulties of each season. Carr’s Lawn and Landscape is licensed and insured to apply all fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides.
Lawn Fertilization
Our lawn fertilization packages typically consists of a well balanced, slow release, granular fertilizer, crabgrass prevention in the spring and liquid broadleaf weed spray as needed throughout the year. We strive to build a healthy turf that will give you fewer problems while sustaining a lush green lawn. Our lawn treatment packages use little or no phosphorous which helps keep our waterways free from toxic algae.
Lawn problems
Lawns in the Fort Wayne area are especially susceptible to insects and diseases due to environmental conditions. Our goal is to alleviate these issues through proper turf management such as proper cutting standards and watering techniques. In the event your lawn needs a little boost we can then apply the proper pesticide to help resolve these issues.
Environmental Impact
We understand your lawn is an extension of your home so our lawn treatment packages are designed with families in mind. All of our lawn treatment technicians are licensed and certified by the state of Indiana. We exceed state requirements for continuing education and work to ensure our impact on the outside environment is minimal.